T I M E : 9:00 pm - 2:00 am
D A T E : Saturday February 7, 2009
V E N U E : Club 500, Hongdae (http://www.AidGaza.info/map.html)
To get there: Closest subway: Line 6 (brown line) Sangsu station, exit 1, or line 2 (green line) Hongik Univ Subway, exit 5 and walk up the hill towards Hongik University and turn right at the "parking street". See map.

“Aid Gaza Benefit Night” (AGBN) has been created to bring artists in Korea together to help raise funds for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) Special Gaza Appeal.
About 50% of the Gazan population rely on UNRWA Food Aid. UNRWA also operate 8 medical clinics throughout Gaza. On January 15, three Israeli shells destroyed a warehouse at the UNRWA headquarters in Gaza destroying hundreds of tonnes of food and medicine. An estimated $330 million is needed for urgent aid.
Summary of the recent 22-day offensive on Gaza:
* 1,300+ dead (700+ civilians: 400+ children; 100+ women)
* 13 Israelis dead (10 soldiers; 3 civilian)
* 5,300+ Palestinians injured (1,900+ children; 800+ women)
* 100,000+ people forced from their homes
* 400,000+ people without running water
* 5,000+ buildings completed destroyed; another 20,000+ damaged or partially destroyed
* Estimated cost of rebuilding Gaza: $2 billion
The benefit night, to be held on Saturday February 7 at club 500 in Hongdae, will showcase a variety of charity performances by artists in Korea such as live music, bellydance, poetry readings, and other acts. There will be a cultural section on Palestine, and a performance of a traditional Palestinian folkloric dance called a “dabke”. There will also be several lucky door prize giveaways, thanks to the generosity of local businesses. The night will round up with everyone on the dance floor.
There will be a cover charge of 20,000 with all proceeds going to the UNRWA Special Gaza Appeal. Those unable to attend AGBN can make donations direct to UNRWA at http://www.un.org/unrwa/.
AGBN 은 한국에 거주하는 아티스트들을 모아 UNRWA(United Nations Relief and Works Agency) 을 위한 모금활동을 돕기 위해 만들어졌습니다. 이 행사에서는 한국과 외국의 아티스트들의 라이브 음악, 춤, 강독 및 시 낭송 등 다양한 자선공연이 열립니다. 또한 지역 기업들의 후원을 받아 팔레스타인에 대한 문화 섹션이 열리고 소정의 상품 추첨 이벤트가 열립니다. 본 행사는 모든 참여자들이 함께 아랍음악에 맞추어 춤을 추면서 마무리 될 예정입니다.
2만원의 참가비가 있으며, 참가비 전액은 Gaza 지역 주민을 돕기 위한 UNRWA Special Gaza Appeal 활동에 사용됩니다.
For more information visit: http://www.aidgaza.info
To volunteer, email: info@aidgaza.info
AGBN is NOT anti-Israel nor pro-hamas: AGBN's sole function is as a fundraiser for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), to help CIVILIANS in urgent need of medical equipment, medicine, food, water and shelter. Please do not turn this topic into a political debate. Thank you.
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