Venue: IGONG, Seoul, Mapogo, Seogyodong 330-8 2F
Tel: 02 337 2870
Website: www.igong.org
In April featured video artists: Martha Rosler and Cecilia Condit
Screenings everyday (except Mondays) at IGONG Alternative Visual Culture factory, Hongdae from April 1 to April 15
Times: daily 3.30, 5:00, 6:30 and 8:00 (see website for details of films shown)
Films include:
Sun April 12: 5pm- Martha Rosler short videos#1 (inc. Semiotics of the kitchen), 6.30 pm Martha Rosler short videos#2, 8pm; Martha Rosler - A Simple Case for torture, or How to sleep at night.
Tue April 14 : 3pm - Martha Rosler short videos#1 (inc. Semiotics of the kitchen),5pm- Cecilia Condit short videos
Wed April 15: 5pm Martha Rosler - A Simple Case for torture, or How to sleep at night, 5pm - Cecilia Condit short videos,
8pm - Martha Rosler short videos#2

Location: IGONG Alternative Visual Culture factory, is in Hongdae. They offer screenings, workshops and a free video archive.
Closest subway, Line 2 Hongik University subway station - Exit 4, then 6 min walk (see map)
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