Invitation from the Seoul Art Collective:
In Flux ‘변화’ Seoul Art Collective group show
May 31st – June17 2009 at the Door gallery.
Opening reception and performance by James Topple May 31st 18:00
Directions: Hongik University Station exit 4. Follow the signs taped to the ground!
(Sinchon end of Hongdae near the railway bridge)
See: the Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=173930610083
‘In Flux’ group exhibition presents pieces reflecting the surge of dynamic, temporally charged moments in the artist’s lives. The creative energy and geographical location of the artist in today’s world is in continual motion. Some pass through Korea quickly, while others form a more permanent relationship, becoming tributaries leading to the mainstream of Korean visual culture.
‘변화’ 란 전시회는 작가들이 여러 나라에서 머물며 겪었던 강렬한 경험을 바탕으로 감정의 변화를 반영하는 작품을 통하여 끊임없는 흐름을 보여준다. 오늘날의 작가는 끈임 없는 지리적 위치변화를 통하여 새롭고 더 나은 영감을 받는다. 일부 작가들은 한국을 빠르게 지나치는 반면, 다른 작가들은 한국과 영구적인 관계를 맺으며 한국의 영상문화에 중요한 공헌을 한다.
Melissa Wyman - USA
Tammy Kim - USA
Matt Flanagan - CANADA
Jeffrey Morabito - USA
Loren E. Rudisuela - CANADA
Zachary Eichelberger - USA
Surya Gied - GERMANY
Ryan McLay - CANADA
James Topple - ENGLAND
Annabel Fenn - ENGLAND
Roxana Manoucherhi -IRAN
Zahra Jaan - ENGLAND
Thank a lot and I hope to see you there!
All the best,
Seoul Art Collective | Co President
Phone: 010-9039-1536
E-mail: travisleestreet@live.com
Website: http://seoulartcollective.tk
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